Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy 6 Months Caleb!

6 Months Old

Weight and Height:
 6 Months 6 days: 19 lbs. 3oz (75th percentile for weight), and 27 1/2 inches long (80th percentile for height)
Things you have MASTERED this month:
*You are sitting up by yourself pretty good without assistance
* Holding arms out to be picked up
*Crying when someone leaves the room
*Scooting all over the room on your belly. You will get up to a crawling position and move one or two times then crash to your little belly.
Things you have LOVED this month:
*You have really enjoyed riding in your big boy stroller. You are able to see and grab everything now.
*You love going places. It doesn't seem to matter where as long as you are going and moving.
Things you have done and places you have been for the FIRST time this month:
First Valentine's Day
First ear infection and respiratory infection :(
First time "jumping" in a bouncy house
First pair of TOMS
Eating Mum Mum's
Out to eat at Llyod's with Big Daddy and Momma T
Riding your Smart Trike in the beautiful weather
Opening your Valentine
You are such a good little reader
Valentine's Day Party at School with your Friends
Our poor sick little buddy
Sitting up like such a BIG BOY
Check out my new TOMS
MUM MUM's are so yummy
and so messy!
Keep pushing me please :)
 You love riding your Smart Trike
During your sixth month:
Big boy is now eating 7 ounces every 4 hours except for his last bottle before bed and you get 8 ounces. We have also continued to try baby food and you still aren't a fan. As soon as it touches your mouth you spit it right back out! Most nights you are sleeping from about 9:30 until around 5:45- 6:00.  You wore a size 3 diaper and we are still a huge Pamper Swaddlers fan!  For several nights you were waking up every morning soaking wet; which meant lots of washing sheets for mommy and daddy. We started you in a size 4 diaper at night and so far that has solved the problem.You wore 6 month size clothes and some 6-9 month clothes.
Mommy and Daddy can not believe you are HALF A YEAR old! Where has the time gone? Our little baby is turning into such a big boy. We are LOVING watching you grow up, but are a little sad because it is going by so quick. Each day we spend you with is so much fun and each day we wake up to your smiling face reminds us of how BLESSED we are. We LOVE you stinker!

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above" James 1:17

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