Sunday, February 16, 2014

Crazy Winter in Alabama

We are not used to seeing that beautiful white stuff that falls from the sky when it's really know the stuff called...SNOW!!! 
This winter has been different though; we have already gotten to experience two rounds of snow. 

The first round was predicted to be more of a dusting that would not stick, but when it started coming down it stuck very fast. This quickly became a disaster in the Birmingham Metro area and tons of people were stranded on roads, in schools and at their jobs. Thankfully, to my hubby and his 4x4 truck we were all able to be home together and enjoy the snow.

Snow Round 1
 " What is all of this white stuff in our yard?"
First steps in the snow
 A little confused :)

 This is so much fun!!!

He decided to check out his slide. He did not understand why this snow was on his slide
He thought it was so funny to wipe the snow of the slide :)
Daddy and his little buddy!

Mommy and her snow buddy
Snow January 2014

Then again this past week we got to experience snow Round 2. This was a much more pleasant snow event. Everyone had a good advance warning that the snow was coming. Schools and businesses closed early and everyone seemed prepared for the event. The snow did not begin until after dark, so we woke up the next morning to play before it all melted away.
Snow Round 2
 Good Morning!
 This is pretty fun :)
 Getting a little more comfortable with the snow getting on him and his clothes
 "This stuff is hard to walk in "
Snow prints by our little boy. These little footprints are getting too big :(
 Our beautiful yard

First attempt at snow ice cream= too sweet, but fun memories made!

Thank you Lord for your beautiful creation. This winter has been a wonderful reminder of just how AMAZING you are!

Monday, February 10, 2014

16 Month Fun :)

16 Month Fun
First attempt at dipping bread sticks in sauce= SUCCESS, but a bit MESSY!
First pair of Old Man button up PJ's
Christmas Party at Mrs. Kay's
 Christmas Eve Cutie
Santa Clause came :)
Christmas Morning Fun
 First Trip to McWane Center
 Celebrating New Year's Eve with his older lady...Sweet MaKayla
 New BATMAN pajamas!!
 Cheering for Mommy's team in the Sugar Bowl

Cheering for Daddy's team in the National Championship game
16 Months
Health: He is weighing in at 25 pounds and 5 ounces. Caleb still has 8 teeth , but the 1 year old molars are almost all the way in. We have dealt with a little bit of a cold and congestion over the past month, but so has everyone else in Alabama with this crazy Winter weather this year. All in all we have had another healthy month for little man.

Nutrition: We are still drinking about 6 ounces of milk in the morning to get our day started off right and  the same amount at night to help him go to sleep, and still drinking it from the Nuk sippy/ trainer style cup and the rest of the day we are drinking milk or water from a regular sippy cup. He is loving eating Pizza, but he doesn't want it cut up in pieces he wants the entire slice! He is also loving fruit ( grapes, apples, oranges and bananas)! Still a huge fan of the little squeezable pouches too.

Sleep: Still a great sleeper! Thank you Lord :)

Toys:   LOVING to read books. His favorite book is a Sesame Street book called Bubbles, Bubbles. He loves to sit and "read" the book to us. He just says " Bubbles, bubbles over and over.)
Of course he is a fan of any type of ball. This child has an obsession for balls!

Skills:   He loves to do roll call of all of his friends at school. Each morning on the way to school he calls the name of all of the kids and Mrs. Kay (which he calls Nana).
He has also learned to make requests for which T.V. show he wants to watch ( Mickey Mouse or sometimes referred to as Hotdog, Pat Pat Rocket or otherwise known as Little Einstein, and Oconaut or correctly pronounced Octonauts). These are his favorite for the moment!

Clothing:  We are still wearing 12-18 month and 18 month clothes now and still in a size  5 or 5 1/2 shoe depending on the brand.  We are still using Pampers and he is still wearing a size 4 in those. Not much has changed in the clothing department in quiet some time.
Our baby boy sure is looking and acting more and more like a big boy these days. Makes mommy and daddy a little sad to be leaving the baby days, but looking forward to all of the days to come of chasing this wild child around.
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above" James 1:17